Mistakes To Avoid When Playing Escape Room Games

Have you ever tried escape game? It is a great game to enjoy with your friends or family members. Players will have a lot of puzzles to solve in this real life escape game room. It is a very challenging and fun filled game, which you must try at least once for every 2months or 3 months to get rid of all your stress. You will feel very relaxed post coming out of this escape game room. People forget all their issues, when they go in the escape room and start solving the puzzles.

Common mistakes to avoid when playing escape room games

Below are some common mistakes, which most of the new players make in an escape room game. Try to avoid these mistakes when you visit an escape room this time to reach your goal successfully.

  • Poor Communication: Communication plays a very important role in the escape room games. As you will have lot of puzzles which need to be completed within the given time frame, you need to communicate properly with your other team members about what need to be done.

Feel free to discuss your ideas with the other members in your team. In short, work together, in order to reach your goal. Imagine how it would be if you will waste your time solving the puzzle, which one of your team members have already solved. Isn’t it waste of your time? Be open and loud when playing this game to save your time.

  • Leaving The Escape Room Unsearched: The moment your time starts you have to thoroughly search the escape game room. Don’t leave any place in the escape game room unchecked. One common mistake, which a lot of people make while playing this game is they stay back without checking the room properly. This can actually make the other team members frustrated, which in turn spoils the whole game. Hence, you should not feel shy while playing this game.

Check the ceilings, walls and objects there for clues thoroughly. Move the tables there and check for clues. You can also find the clues behind the picture frames as well sometimes. Never ignore any option, which will certainly help to reach your goal successfully.

  • Forgetting About The Clues: Discuss about the clues with your team members. There are some players who don’t take the clues seriously while playing this game. Playing the game without taking the help of clues is really difficult. Not taking the clues seriously can waste all your team members’ efforts. Hence, you have to make sure that you take the clues seriously while playing this game. Feel free to discuss about the clues with your team members to save your time.

There are plenty of escape rooms in every city. If you are from Orlando and searching for a good escape room then do visit the Lockbusters Escape Game Room. Everything looks very interesting at this facility. Moreover, they charge very less from the players. Hence, you need not worry about your budget. Visit their website today to know more about their escape room.